This is a story of all of us
“It’s not ours, it’s theirs” | “Oh, you’re from Tunisia and Tripoli, how do you even relate to that?” |
“The Ashkenazi Holiday” | “How does an Mizrahi come to deal with the memory of the Holocaust?” |
“I have nothing to do with it” | “Oh these were in France at all, where they barely felt there was a Holocaust”“Oh he was just a baby” |
Such sentences can be heard from both different directions. On the one hand people who feel that the memory of the Holocaust is not related to their personal past, and on the other hand people who feel that other people are not supposed to be part of that past.
The implicit or obvious assumptions behind these sentences are:
I do not want to be associated with this issue, or alternatively, it belongs to them, me and them it is not the same.
Only those who lived in Europe suffered the arm-twisting of the Nazis.
Immigrants in a country where the percentage of extermination was not as high as in my / my parents’ country of origin is at a low level in front of me.
It is quite strange that someone who is not from Ashkenazi Jewry would be interested in history and what is happening in the Holocaust.
Of course these reactions do not represent the whole population, but we intentionally presented them first, simply because it is worth talking about the elephant in the room – and especially since we think dealing with it, will make it possible to understand that this is the memory of us all.
At the end of the day we are one people, and the memory of the Holocaust is the story of us all, also in the recent past, since the Nazis came almost everywhere where there were Jews, but also in the present and future, we have a national interest that all Israel will want to remember.
But even in the very distant past, and the historical continuum, we all celebrate Pesach, Purim, and Hanukkah, holidays in which we mention that in every generation, our brides have risen, and at the end of the day we are still here – Holocaust remembrance is an integral historical part of our brides’ attempts. It is required to join at least the Jewish bookcase.
As we said – whether we like it or not, we are one people
Some points worth recognizing in relation to the memory of the Holocaust:
1. The Nazis and their aides also came to North African countries, מרוקו, Tunisia, Tripoli, and the truth is that too To Ethiopia.
2. The general definition for Holocaust survivors is – everyone who during the war lived in countries that were under German rule or allies of Nazi Germany, and suffered as a result.
3. Concentration camps and forced labor were also In North Africa.
4. Jews from North Africa were also sent to concentration and extermination camps in Europe. (Reference 1, Reference 2)
5. Druze soldiers also came to Auschwitz during World War II.
These stories were pushed out of the discourse.
6. Apart from Poland, Greek Jewry is the Jewish community with the highest percentage of extermination relative to the pre-war population (About 86.6%).
7. Apart from Poland, Soviet Jewry Suffered the largest numerical loss (about one million Jews).
8. With the establishment of the state, people were ashamed to say that they were in the Holocaust, both from Europe and Africa.
9. The figure of the warrior sabra, was the figure to whom they sought to aspire, and therefore whoever was in the Holocaust was considered to have gone as a “sheep to the slaughter,” in some cases inappropriate derogatory names were given to those whose name was associated as a Holocaust survivor.
10. In practice the systematic extermination machine of the Nazis, did not necessarily allow to resist, resistance and heroism were expressed daily, hour by hour, when deciding to get up in the morning, to keep a human photographer, to take another step forward – because this is exactly what heroism in Hebrew, daily overcoming Alongside heroic heroism.