Eitan tribe
The Eitan tribe and the Begin branch are Scout tribes located in the “Magdiel” area of Hod Hasharon. The tribe, the spur and their trainees seek to pass on the values of the Scout movement to the community. The tribes constitute a ‘second home’ for all trainees who are at the center of the activity, while understanding the needs that change from one to another – and a request to turn them into community leaders. The main characteristics of the tribe are innovative, independent and daring thinking and by using creative tools, all so that we can create a better society together. We invite you to be part of the Eitan family, and on the upcoming Holocaust and Heroism Day, to take part in the joint activities together with the Hero Parade
“Do, and do not forget”
At every moment, Samson moved forward, it seemed like he had countless opportunities to give up, but somehow he managed to find psychic powers that today can be seen by everyone else as a gift from God. Amazing to hear the story of Samson and his brother, how they sneaked into the Nazi base, how they got food in no way – exciting
Dor Cohen
Samson’s brother did not feel well, his brother begged him to leave him alone and move on, so that at least one of them would survive. On the face of it, Samson had full legitimacy to continue, to take care of himself, so that at least one soul would be saved. Despite this, Samson did not agree to give up, he clung to his brother, and made it clear that together their chances are greater, he cared for his brother and found no way how to help and care for him until he felt better – the nickname the hero Samson is more worthy to use in this case
Yael Dotan
At the end of the war Samson had every reason to give up. He decided otherwise, he decided to immigrate to Eretz Israel, and here he raised a family to glory, Samson became an educator in Israel, and raised many generations of children who remembered that even the greatest moments of difficulty can be overcome. For me the story of the aliyah and the beginning anew, reminded me of my aliyah, a new place, new people, needs a lot of effort to adapt. If I had heard Samson’s story then, I’m sure it would have been much easier for me – Samson you are totally inspired
Ron Altman
? Now it’s your turn to create heroic stories for your hero
Participants are numbers
Examples of heroic stories
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